Thursday, May 26, 2011

One Year Later

Whoa, it's been a whole year since anyone has posted anything on this blog? Not to mention it's been over a year since I've posted. Sheesh. Oh well, not a big deal.

So topic of this post: Roommate tips.

I've compiled a list of tops for being a good roommate. They're useful, use them.

Now I'm not saying I strictly follow all of these. I don't. I occasionally forget to do some of this. Sometimes 'occasionally' turns into 'always.' Forgive me, it happens. I still think these are great "Rules of thumb" to follow when being a roommate.

  1. Do not use something that belongs to your roommate(s) without asking

  2. If you all put money in for food, don't randomly go out and buy food without telling them

  3. Don't ask your roommate(s) to buy something that they don't or won't use

  4. Label or list the things your bringing to the room/apartment

  5. Ask your roommate(s) if a friend can stay over being asking the friend

  6. Inform your roommate(s) of "Special visits."

  7. Follow the golden rule, be nice

"But Rob, could you explain these rules for us?" Sure.

1. Even if you have agreed to share everything, ask first. Your roommate(s) may have forgotten about something they don't want to share. always do this unless they get annoyed and ask you to stop asking for permission.

2. This is a big "No." It may not seem like a big deal, but you do not know your roommate(s) financial situation. Don't assume they can just chip in $40 and go buy a ton of groceries without consulting them. Even if it's decided before hand that you will go shopping once a week and never spend above a certain amount, always alert your roommate(s) of shopping trips. That week might be the one week your roommate(s) is short on cash and can't afford a crap load of food.

3. I'm going to use myself as an example here. My roommates ask me to buy milk occasionally, we go through it fast (Or used to, the semester is over). Normally, I don't mind. However I don't always have the funds to make random runs to the store for milk, so I'll say "Sorry, I can't." Now, don't get me wrong, milk is great. But two semesters ago, when most of my paychecks were going to my school and I almost always ate breakfast at work, I rarely ever used the milk in our room. Occasionally I'd have a glass of milk or bowl of cereal, but that's it. Not a daily thing for me. If you don't use something your roommate wants you to buy, say something.

4. This is important. You don't want one of your roommates leaving with your TV, dishes, food, or cooking ware because they mistook it for one of theirs.

5. This especially applies for friends/girlfriends/boyfriends that plan on staying longer than one night. Ask. Always. Even if you set it up before that it's okay, at least let your roommate(s) know before you actually set the plans in stone.

"Hey Roommate, can my girlfriend stay the night?"
"No, dude, I have to study for a test tomorrow and I don't want the distractions."
"Oh, well she's kinda already on the way sooo sorry..."

This is bad. Don't do this. I personally hate studying anywhere but my room. I like my room. Plus your roommate(s) may not like the person staying over. Be respectful and ask. Also as a general rule of thumb, don't let whoever it is stay longer than 3 days or at least make sure to ask.
"Hey Roomy, can my girlfriend stay the night?"
"Sure dude, whatever."
"Dude, what the **** she's been here for four days!"
"Oh, I just assumed since you were okay with it the first night it'd be fine every night."
"Um, no. I failed a test this morning because you and bimbo wouldn't stop whispering and giggling and I couldn't focus!"
"Oh lol sry bro."

You know those huge trucks Ford makes? Kinda picture my arm, except it's a huge Ford truck. Now picture the imprint that would leave on your face. Also, picture being dead. That's what will happen if you ever do something like this. Ever. As another, more serious general rule, don't invite people to stay over during finals. This is aggravating. Really aggravating. Don't do it. let us move on.

6. You know what I'm talking about. When you have that special 'lady/gentlemen' over and you've already performed your ritualistic dance of feathers, and now it's time to smash fresh? Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Let you roommate(s) know. You know what sucks? Assuming your roommate is gone for a certain amount of time and it turns out, yep they're back early. And you've already put on then took off your tribal clothing. No one wants to see you naked except that person you're with that wants to see you naked.

7. Be nice. Be respectful. Just in general.

That's all for now. I'll probably rant about something later today. I was angry about something last night, then I lost my steam. Once I'm in my room and I can actually look my steam (and find it), I'll post about it.

