Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bow down to me!

Two in a row! I'm on a role. I wonder where my fellow bloggers are.

Anyway, to get on with my topic. Ever wonder what it would be like to be unable to make your own choices? I have. Sometimes I think people don't make their own choices and only make them based on what others say. Sure, I can't say that I haven't made a decision based on what someone else said. Certainly you've been to a restaurant and made a choice on what you would have based on the review your friend just gave you. I know I have. But what if you had no choice at all? You couldn't even make a choice based on another's opinion or review. Well, apparently this can happen.

In Columbia, there is a drug known to the locals as Devil's Breath. Its a drug that essentially robs the taker of free will. There are many horror stories related to this drug as bad as someone killing another under its influence. It's a little terrifying to think about.

Just thought I'd share this with you. Here is the link to the article:

If you want to do more research on it than I have (which would be doing more than just reading the article), the article has the actual drug name. I'm pretty sure it's on Wiki.

Update on Website: I've learned the basics of Javascript, so I should be able to put it to practice once I read up on some techniques and look at source for other sites. I'm working on the design of the site too. Nothing amazing, just something simple for now. Just enough so I have something to work with. Anyway, I hope to have the design and most of the coding knowledge down by the end of the month, depending on work, and I can start shortly after finals (Early May).


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