Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Invertiable Tablet, plz.

I'm really wanted a tablet for school next semester.  I have taken notes via typing and, of course, via writing, but I really would like a tablet.  My sister has one, though we got it about 4, 5 years ago; it weighs a ton, and the battery life has gone down the hole.  With new touch screen technologies and such, as well as just new technology in general, there have been a couple of tablets showing up that my Google Reader feed has decided to show to me, via Gizmodo or Engadget.

So far, only there are only two that I would even want:


I'm leaning on the HP computer because I've used a lot... My first laptop of my own was an HP-Pavillion, and it held up pretty well for 4, 5 years.  The battery even now still lasts a good hour or two.  I have given it to my brother to use since I got laptop from Stevens, HP-Compaq 8510w.  It's alright, not as stylish as the Pavillion, but it was made to work well with the programs that came on the image.  Of course, I didn't use much of it, and have installed Windows 7 64-bit on it.  

I also want the HP because it doesn't say "netvertible."  Netbooks are mainly just for web browsing and word processing (for the most part, anyway).  HP labels this TouchSmart as a Notebook PC.  I want to be able to do other things on it as well, though anything heavy I would probably use this laptop for (the Stevens HP-Compaq).  Also, it's stylish.  I'm one for aesthetics.

The Acer seems nice and small, though.  Looks nice, and it is a Netbook.  I haven't read as much on it yet, I will when I actually get enough money to buy either.  Speaking of which, the HP, with the specs I wanted (from building it on their website) is about $1200.  The Acer is around $900.

I want a tablet to take notes on because I like writing notes rather than typing them.  It helps me remember things better.  As of lately paper has been cumbersome to manage... Well, not cumbersome; more of annoying.  Of course, I will have those classes that require I hand notes or homework in on paper, but I carrying around one binder with enough looseleaf for those classes that require it, instead of a notebook or two different binders because of the massive amounts of notes I take, would be a lot easier to carry around.

I'm going to do s'more looking around, but I don't have money yet.  I'll get some when I start working this summer.  Yeay!

...I wonder if either of these are pressure sensitive... I could also use it as a sort of sketchbook, too.

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