Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I figure I might as well review the budding social network while it's still considered "exclusive."

I've read a lot of reviews on Google+ and most of them have been saying the same thing about it. "it's the new facebook." "It looks great, but can it beat facebook?" The same question pops into my head every time I read a google+ review.

Why does it need to beat Facebook?

I keep reading about how Google+ won't survive if it can't beat the social networking giant, or how it'll fail like Wave if it can't peel users away from Facebook. But why does it need to? Let me take some of Google's other products as examples.

Android is a great mobile operating system. It has a huge collection of apps, a lot of which are free. Did it need to beat iOS (iPhone & iPod Touch) to do well? No. It just needed to compete with it.

Chrome is an excellent browser created by Google, and competes well if the other browsers out there, like Safari, Firefox, etc. But again, all it needed to do was compete with them and it is.

So why do I keep getting the impression from reviewers of Google+ that it needs to beat Facebook rather than compete with it? To be honest, I prefer having options in everything I do. It'd be rather boring if the only smartphone option out there was just Android. Yes, I agree, if it can't compete with Facebook it'll die. But that's all it needs to do. Another thing people need to keep in mind about Google+, and I've seen other reviewers stress the same issue, is that it's still in Beta. That means there are going to be a lot of bugs and features that seem unnecessary or incomplete. Just hold on, it'll get better.

As a note: Not all reviewers are saying it needs to beat Facebook, just some I've read. has a bunch of articles on it, and most to all (I don't remember which ones) don't say it needs to beat Facebook, but just compare it to Facebook to see how it will compete.

Anyway, I like Google+ better than Facebook. I'd remove my Facebook account if it weren't for the fact more people use it than Google+ currently. Once it's open to everyone, I may just shutdown my Facebook account. Or ignore it. Tends to happen when I join too many online communities.

I particularly love the Hangout feature. Video chatting AND you can stream YouTube videos to the feed so everyone can see it? Excellent idea.

The Huddle feature seems like group chat, I haven't really had enough time to explore it. Not entirely sure what I'd use it for. Maybe I'll experiment tonight?

Another thing I absolutely love about Google+: The Android app. Google owns Android, develops Android and Google+. So naturally, the app works amazingly on the mobile OS. If you have an Android phone and Google+, download the app. I find I use it more than the browser service.

Being able to put friends in different circles. I have a lot of circles set up so I can post different things to one that the others wouldn't understand. Some of mine include, but aren't limited to, Team Fortress 2, Magic: the Gathering, Stevens, SITTV, and Off Center. The last two are clubs at Stevens. Someone who I follow made a tier system out of his circles (No, I have no idea which one I'm in). It's an excellent idea. What's the best part about it? When someone adds you to their circle, all Google+ does is let you know. It doesn't say "You've got a friend request, would you like to add them too or painfully reject them, you horrible monster?" (Not exact wording, but that's what I see). Having to not worry about rejecting someone and to be able to instead just ignore them is great. Most of the time I just add someone to my Stevens circle, and people I actually see and talk to go into Friends AND Stevens (Unless they aren't from Stevens, of course).

Anyone, in all, I like it and I think everyone should try it out when it becomes more readily available.

Maybe I'll be able to have Blogger post directly to Google+ like I have it set on Buzz. Wouldn't that be awesome?

I'll post more details about Google+ and what I like and don't like later. I haven't really had a chance to analyse it, just use it briefly about once a day.


EDIT: Here are some links to CNN articles on Google+. Take a look if you'd like.

Tech blogs not sold on Google's 'Facebook clone'

How Google+ compares to Facebook

Review: Google+ a clean, intuitive mobile experience so far

Google+ experiences some growing pains

Google+ offers chance for a social reboot

The last one is an excellent view. Enjoy reading.

1 comment:

  1. Rob, I've been reading since you've revived our little blog.

    Maybe I'll get on it soon, too. :D

    <3 Caroline
