Friday, February 19, 2010

And Now for Something Completely Different

No Caroline, you're wrong, we will post in that order, so Rob go before Willy, and Willy you're last, cuz you're awesome. Yea I just did cuz, we're gonna change some things on this mutha fucking blog...YEA!!! OK just kidding, Caroline is getting so mad right now, what with all the "cuz's" and improperness, but I'll TRY to do my best. (CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL).

Now, this is my first blog and obviously first group blog. So, where did this come from, who am I, and what is my role? All very boring questions which I will now answer. So in short this idea came up when we were commenting on a friend of ours blog. We found it interesting and said to ourselves, "Why don't we try a blog in group format, about topics in each of our fields of interest." and that's how it started. Who am I? Not exactly that important. I'm a sophomore Mechanical Engineer here at Stevens, besides that nothing worth blogging about. What is my role? Not sure, of my four colleagues I'm probably like the second funniest, but definitely not the smartest...okay, so I am the best looking, but that's besides the point. I've decided to focus my portion on the blog on the three things where I am probably better apt to comment on: politics, sports, and movie reviews. Don't worry I don't have a political affiliation. Mind you, I don't have to stick to these topics, but I probably won't rant on this blog. However, if I do find an awesome daily observations, I may comment on it.

So that's it. I don't have much else, but I will give a SHORT comment on something that happened today that I would be remiss if I did not touch on it. I'm sure anyone who is reading this blog heard of the events in Austin, Texas today. I saw on CNN that a Facebook group was created basically calling Mr. Stacks a hero for his actions. I think this is a ludicrous thing to say, there are other ways to speak out besides crashing planes into buildings. Destroying your life and possibly the lives of others is horribly dangerous and irresponsible. I would urge anyone who thinks that what this man did was heroic to reconsider what "heroic" means and that it should never involve endangering the lives of others. I'm not saying I'm right, this is just my opinion.

Anyway, so now that's it. That was just my little rant, and I wanted to express my feelings on it. I hope there are more happy things to comment on in the future. Good night!


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